I love the outdoors – everything from hunting and fishing to hiking and camping to gardening and conservation. I have been fortunate enough to have lived and traveled all over the US - soaking in its beauty along the way. In recent years, I have become hooked on kayak fishing and am part of the Malibu Kayaks Pro Team. On an average Saturday, you will probably find me in my kayak, floating down a river in the middle of nowhere, chasing that next bite.
What is your most memorable accomplishment?
It would probably be completing the B.A.S.S. Slam last year. The B.A.S.S. Slam is a challenge/contest from B.A.S.S. to catch all 9 black bass species in under a year with each meeting a minimum length requirement. It wasn't easy, but it was incredibly fun and something very few people have done - let alone from a kayak, only on rivers, and entirely on public waterways.
What do people most often tease you about?
The smell of my car. It smells like a 'river rat' pretty much all the time.
If the people who know you were asked to describe you, what would they say?
I think they would say - hardworking, motivated, and driven, but also laid back and down to earth when it is time to relax.
Describe a typical week in your life.
During the week I am an energy researcher at a major university. You could label me as a nerd and it wouldn't bother me. I try to sneak time away to enjoy the outdoors early and late in the day as much as I can. I love to cook, so my fiancé and I spend some time together each evening in the kitchen. A lot of the foods we eat we harvest ourselves from the garden, woods, and waters. We really value that connection to the land. We also regularly spend time exercising and walking our dogs. When the weekend comes it is time for family, fun, and catching up on chores…notice I listed chores last. Rarely does a week go by that doesn't include a campfire and a mason jar.
What is the secret to a happy life?
I don't think there is a secret per se, but I can tell you the things that I know I couldn't do without. You could put me in almost any situation, but if I had the woman I love beside me, a good dog (actually 2), and a fishing pole, I would be a happy man. I also think that setting goals and challenging yourself is really important. It helps you learn about yourself and grow.
Who's had the greatest influence on your life and why?
For me, I don't think it has been as much of a "who", but more of a "what". That "what" would definitely be my mistakes and failures. Without those lows, I don't think you can find the same highs. I have learned so much from those negative experiences and try to use them as motivation to improve myself and reach my goals.
If I was pressed for a "who", it would be my grandfather. He got me started in the outdoors, particularly hunting, and the knowledge he passed along has been invaluable. I will never forget those memories.
What's a secret ambition of yours?
I know this isn't terribly interesting, but I have had the urge lately to learn to play guitar. I have no idea why. I would also love, over the course of my life, to try and complete as many "slam" type outdoor challenges as possible. There are a ton – trout, turkeys, deer, etc. That would be incredibly challenging and fun.
Where do you find serenity?
Either at home with my family and pups, out on the water, or in the wilderness. I like to fish/kayak in places with no houses, no traffic, and no other boats. Those wild places have a peacefulness that is hard to replicate.
What is more important to you, challenge or comfort and why?
I am totally a challenge person. In fact, right now I am building an in-ground, backyard BBQ/smoke pit. I am digging it by hand and harvesting all of the wood to burn in it with only hand tools. Sometimes, as I stand exhausted and dripping sweat, I wonder why I don’t use machines that would make the job quicker and easier. But I just love the challenge and satisfaction of doing things the hard/old fashioned way.
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