Oh, give me a home, where the buffalo roam, and the deer and the antelope play. These words, written by Dr. Brewster M. Higley, are the state song for Kansas, but it might be better suited to Yellowstone National Park in Montana, Wyoming and a sliver in Idaho. The bison, deer and antelope are offered their most ideal accommodations in Yellowstone National Park among the grasses and trees. Human visitors can also have their most ideal park lodging by calling National Park Reservations for all your lodging desires.
Deer photo by schwa23 on Flickr
The sheer amount of wildlife in Yellowstone National Park is what the park is famous for. Guests can pretty much rest assured that they will see something exciting while visiting the park, no matter what season. The wildlife don't seem to mind the people who come to Yellowstone Park to ogle them and take their pictures.
pronghorn antelope photo by Thimindu on Flickr
The animals have become quite content amongst each other and humans, as long as the humans are not acting predatory, they are just another beast in the great wide open of Yellowstone National Park. This does not mean that the wildlife will act kindly to you when in their immediate territory. For the human "wildlife" there are plenty of places to bed down for the night. I'm not sure the bison or antelope would be that welcoming in the tall grasses of Yellowstone Park.
Pronghorn Antelope photo by Thimindu on Flickr
There is a wide variety of Yellowstone National Park lodging that can offer you simple cabin accommodations, standard economical hotels or the grand lodges of Yellowstone National Park. All of the Yellowstone Park lodging offers nearby wildlife access as well as relative proximity to the heart of Yellowstone National Park. The professional agents at National Park Reservations will help you find the best possible Yellowstone National Park lodging for your requirements. It is often difficult to find in-park lodging and there are a lot of phone numbers to call, only to be told they are sold out.
Deer photo by schwa23 on Flickr
The National Park Reservations agents are a true wealth of information. They know the availability of all the main Yellowstone National Park lodges before you call. When Yellowstone National Park lodging properties have a cancellation, they call National Park Reservations. When people wishing to visit Yellowstone National Park start calling the many options and get frustrated, they call National Park Reservations. As you are reading this blog, hopefully you will also call National Park Reservations for your Yellowstone National Park lodging before you spend too much time in the vortex of phone calls, waiting on hold, being told there is no vacancy and pulling out your hair. Vacations should not be that complicated. Call National Park Reservations today to find your home away from home where the buffalo roam and the deer and the antelope play!