Rain Forest Resort Village Frequently Asked Questions
Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Rain Forest Resort Village.
Q:What is there to do?
A:The Rainforest Village is on Lake Quinault and within close proximity to many wonderful hiking trails. There are marvelous opportunities to swim, hike, boat, fish, and lay back and relax. Be sure to check out the World's Largest Spruce Tree just 45 minutes away. Be sure to take a trip out to the ocean and explore one of the many beaches just an hour away.
Q:What type of food does The Salmon House serve?
A:The specialty of course is Northwest Seafood, especially Salmon! The restaurant features a variety of fresh delights from the sea as well as steak, chicken and pastas. Enjoy your dinner with a great view of Lake Quinault!
Q:How far away is Seattle?
A:There are many ways to get to and from Seattle. If you drive from the South byway of Olympia the route is about 3 hours, depending on traffic. Or you can take the scenic route and take the ferry byway of Bremerton and your trip will be around 4 hours, again, depending on traffic. Or for very scenic trip go around up to the North and take the ferry byway of Edmonds/Kingston and it will be around 5 hours depending on traffic. If you can take the long way, do! There are many neat things to see on the journey!